4 reviews by no name..
Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker

From: No Name
Comments: ah ha ha ha ha ha... Peter, you have to adimit, these guys are funny! They put you in your place!! even more funny is how you take offense to it all! AH HA HA HA HA HA


Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker

From: No Name
Comments: "pet piglet" ah ha ha ha ha ha.... I can't stop laughing! ah ha ha ha


Predator 2

From: no name
Comments: I am not raceist nor am I am I going to stand up for anyone, because every race is a curse as far as I am concerned. I am white!! And there is nothing wrong with being proud of that, but I dont flaunt it. You stupid motherfuckers that want to rule the world,.....fuck yourself. Join the military like I did. Have a reason to fight. The war aint against us anymore!!! Niggers, Crackers, Spicks, We all need to realize life is a blast and than it is over. Lets all just quit walking with a limp or thinking we are better because we are supperior. The blacks sold the whites blacks, be pissed at them for that!!!!! But dont be pissed because the whites are lazy and chose to take the bid.


Predator 2

From: no name
Comments: I am not raceist nor am I am I going to stand up for anyone, because every race is a curse as far as I am concerned. I am white!! And there is nothing wrong with being proud of that, but I dont flaunt it. You stupid motherfuckers that want to rule the world,.....fuck yourself. Join the military like I did. Have a reason to fight. The war aint against us anymore!!! Niggers, Crackers, Spicks, We all need to realize life is a blast and than it is over. Lets all just quit walking with a limp or thinking we are better because we are supperior. The blacks sold the whites blacks, be pissed at them for that!!!!! But dont be pissed because the whites are lazy and chose to take the bid.
